The last two weeks have been a little hectic. This past weekend I went to The National Museum of Art in Washington DC and the Hershon Gallery. The National has some beautiful art work as well as an exhibit of DaDa and small French paintings. But the art exhibit at the Hershon was most impressive since I gleaned some new ideas for my sketch book. I found a piece made of string by Ernest Neto and a painting by Calder (not a mobile!) that were very interesting. Of course the sculptures were impressive as well.
Afterwards my sketchbook was filled with several drawings for future pieces.
My son was very kind for Mothers Day.
Today I completed several post cards and my Journal piece for the Challenge in May 2006. The theme of this Post L'Arte swap #3 is fairies. This gave me an opportunity to use the angelina fiber, film, toule and sparkle dust. 20 cards are due and this is only the beginning-8 are done. The Journal piece used the left over pieces with an overlay that looks like a fairy's wing. It may be difficult to see in this picture. It's strange that I have postponed making this one and in a moment it appeared.
There are some blocks with appliqued circles from a class 2 weeks ago that have to be completed. The class suggested a traditional layout which just doesnt work for me. They need something to push them up a step. Of these one set require more work --- those will be sliced up and sewn together in a more abstract format. The theme was fruits and vegetables.
Last Wednesday there was a doctors appt in NYC. The appt was done at 3PM and I was 4 long blocks from Museum of Modern Art. Off I went for a quick visit and found a series of George Braque and Picasso which finally struck me. If I made a realistic textile piece and then sliced it up I might approximate the impression given by those two artists. It does take me a long time to appreciate what abstract art is trying to say. (Back to my sketch book)
This week I will be home for 3 days just sewing. My volunteer job at the local hospital goes 2 days a week. I find it personally fullfilling.
The last few weeks have been personally difficult -- Aunt Betty died of ovarian cancer within 6 weeks of receiving the diagnosis. The family asked me to help her and my Uncle Dave with the medical information, securing records and visiting specialists. My emotional heart chilled out for a short while and when she died it hit me hard. Since I am only 9 mos post surgery for melanoma surgery--- successful and recovering well--- my own spiritual progress has been delayed. The doctor's appt confirmed that my cancer surgery is proceeding well and no further chemotherapy or radiation therapy or surgery will be considered. I am recovering.
So I am looking forward to a short vacation in Santa Fe for Memorial Day weekend; this is our 39th wedding anniversary. It is our first real vacation in 18mos. We both need it.
Hope you like my Fairy Wings.